Editors Note: I stumbled upon this eye opening article about Groupon and how it is not necessarily the best thing for all businesses to use. It may just not live up to all the hype. Groupon seems very good initially, I mean who wouldnt want to have exposure to tens of thousands of local consumers who wait with baited breath each time they get an email from groupon. Problem is though, that there is a catch and sometimes that catch is not beneficial when you think about it and actually crunch the numbers. My boy scout troop runs a haunted house here in red oak and came to the same conclusion... even though it would increase our attendance significantly, it would ultimately cost us money to do it so we opted not to. Read this article (originally posted here) and see if you come to the same conclusion or not.
Groupon has been hailed as the new miracle advertising tool. It has also been accused of being a ruthless corporate giant, preying on the ignorance of small businesses.
Since its inception in November 2008, Groupon (think social media meets coupons) has transformed the way local businesses promote their products and services.
How does it work?
read the rest of the story on socialmediaexaminer.com. They wouldn't let us post the entire article here.
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