Editor's note: Here at You-Web-Guys there is one question that we get more than any other: "How do I get my site higher on Google's search results?" There are many ways to do this and this article by Zoe Fox from Mashable.com is a great start.
Admit it: You’ve Googled yourself quite a few times. But were you happy with where your name appeared in yourGoogle search results?
Each day, one billion names are Googled. Unfortunately for many, half of all people don’t find themselves in the first page of results when they Google their own name. Only 2% of individuals own the entire first page of their results.
BrandYourself, an online reputation management startup, created this infographic to help you learn how to make results that are actually you appear higher up in search results.
We won’t give away all the tips, but we’ll leave you with this: Out of 100,000 profiles analyzed with BrandYourself, LinkedIn was the social network most often appearing at the top of results.
What do you see when you Google your name? Do you own your whole first page?
Thumbnail image via iStock, Hillary Fox
To view the entire article click here.
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