I was driving to an appointment the other day and heard a commercial for a national broadband internet service provider and phone company speaking to small business owners about their services. It seems (according to the comercial at least) that over 40% of small businesses are not online. After stating this they said "if your small business is not online then it is like you are invisible". This is a statement that we at Your-Web-Guys not only agree with, but would like to emphaisze.
If your small business does not have a website, then it is like you are invisible!
Its true. Many of your potential clients and even current or previous clients are looking for you online. If you dont have a website then those past, present and future clients can and will not be able to find you to do business with you when they go online to find you. But you know all that so i wont rehash it here.
The commercial went on to say that if you get your internet service with them then you get a website for free through their do it yourself service. When I heard that I almost had an accident. Let us review... if you dont have a website you are invisible, so make one yourself.
We at Your-Web-Guys would like to respectfully disagree. Lets see if that statement makes sense for other things you need for your small business;
- Employees in professional uniforms make your company look better so you should make them yourself.
- Businesses must have business cards so you should print them on your inkjet printer.
- Computers are imperative to your company so you should build them yourself.
- Your office needs to be re-wired so you should do it yourself.
Of course none of those statements make sense. This reminds me of a quote I heard by Mark Twain "It's better to be quiet and let people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Maybe it is better to be invisible online than it is to be online and really bad. Just because you can do something yourself doesnt mean you should. Many times your website is the first impression that you make on potential clients.
Give us a call and find out exactly how beneficial a professional website can be for your business. You may be surprised at just how affordable it really can be.
Make Us Your-Web-Guys Today

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