Handy Man Website Design
http://www.thehandymanning.comOddly enough we were working on two different handy man websites at the same time. This one which is a remodeling and handy man service provider services the northern dallas area primarily while our other one stays in the southern sector for the most part. He had a pretty well thought out site that he was doing through, as we say in the business, a different provider, but hit a wall when the do it yourself solution they offered was just not good enough to showcase his work any longer. We set him up with a content management system which is (according to him) far easier to use and more flexible at the same time. Now he can show off his awesome before and after pics quickly and easily as well as add new blog posts to keep his search engine traffic high. If you are in the nortern dallas area and need a handyman for any reason make sure you give The Handy Manning a call!
Construction, Handy Man, Home Improvement, HVAC, Residential Services
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