Investment and Investing Website Design
http://www.goodmarkcapitalgroup.comThere are a ton of regulations regarding the investment in various ventures, real estate, and other vehicles. Specifically when the investment is in a gold mine. This client needed a website that would first vet their prospects to make sure they qualified as accredited investors before they were able to communicate with the staff. This was more than just providing a prospectus and other details. It included making sure the prospect was able to invest without the risk of loosing everything they owned.
We developed a content management system that allows their staff to update and add new information regarding the various properties and activity of the company. We also integrated a very complex membership manager to ensure that only accredited investors were in the system and have access to the sensitive information they provide. With a neat javascript page transition and gorgious layout, this investment capital group is ready to make the big bucks for their investors!
Financial, Industry Specific Group, Investment and Investing
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