Club or Group Website Design
http://www.friendsofsantafetrail.orgSanta Fe Trail is a fantastic resource for the folks of east Dallas. Running between White Rock Lake and Downtown Dallas, it is an absolute jewel of a green space in this huge metro area we call home. Maybe not as famous as its more well-known cousin the Katy Trail, but definitely better in many respects in this web guy's opinion 😉 One of the primary ways the Santa Fe Trail is superior is the group of folks who take care of it and organize events around it called the Friends of Santa Fe Trail.
The primary purpose of the Friends of Santa Fe Trail's website is to get information about upcoming events and the trail itself out to the folks who need to know. It's also intended to be a hub to help volunteers, well... volunteer and donors to donate. Built on a free wix do it yourself platform, the website was doing none of those things very well.
After meeting with the leadership of the Friends organization we determined that the best course of action would be to create a new site from the ground up. We would keep the content that was on the site, even though most of it was out of date, and put a new layout around it. We would also integrate a content management system so that the volunteers and other leaders of the group can modify the content that was out of date as well as introduce new information in an easier to access navigation hierarchy.
We started with the CMS and added several features that will make the organization much stronger going forward. One of the biggest is the membership manager that will allow recurring billing for folks who want to stay involved over a long period of time. This allows the organization to automate large processes that used to take the treasurer hours to complete each month. The integrated event calendar is also a huge improvement so that now not only can the upcoming events be easily added but folks can suggest future events be added to the schedule directly through the website after they have been approved. Add to that the normal blogging, image galleries and donation buttons that were added throughout the site and their new web presence will keep this organization humming along well into the future.
Associations, Club or Group, Outdoor
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