When we are Your-Web-Guys everything your business needs to be online is handled for you. We are the experts so you don't have to be. We will do it all and make it easy for you.
- You choose the look of your new site from tens of thousands of options in our layout database.
- We customize it to your specifications so that it is totally unique to your business.
- We help you create the structure and the content for the pages of your site.
- We will set up the domain and the hosting, you don't have to worry about it at all.
- We will optimize the site for search engine traffic on specific keywords that we research and get approved by you.
We are business people, not computer geeks.
We take a goal oriented approach to your website. Most small businesses have to deal with a graphic design firm or computer geeks to get their website online. Graphic designers make beautiful websites that look fantastic, computer geeks build high tech websites that can do amazing things. Unfortunately neither one ever thinks about your bottom line. Your six person team will make and maintain a website that looks fantastic, functions beautifully, and does what all small business websites should do - make you money.

No Contracts. There is absolutely no time commitment*. We will be your web guys as long as you feel we have earned it.

You own your site. You own your site once we have built it. We can even give you a CD with your finished site on it for you to keep.

Photography is included. We have an in house photographer on staff and an extensive stock photo library for anything else you may need.

You own your domain. We will register your domain in your name at no charge, so you own it with no strings attached.
We won't nickel and dime you to death.
The only thing our prices are plus is tax. Once you choose your package from our menu of services, your price is locked in, no matter how many pages you need or how many pictures you want or how fancy you want the website to be. Major scripting additions may be an additional charge, but you will know that ahead of time so there are no surprises.
There's no software for you to purchase.
Everything we do is web based so you can administrate your website from any location that has internet access or even from your smart phone. Our Content Management System is updated by us any time it is needed and without any additional fees to you.
Your site can be ready in 10 business days.
Our expedited time frame is an all out, drop everything to focus on your project kind of a situation. We will be in constant contact with you to develop everything quickly. Normally we finish a new site in about 4 to 6 weeks, but with an expedited time table it is done in a fraction of that time and for only a one time fee.
We are always there to help no matter how large or small your website is.
We will never leave you hanging after your site is finished. We make sure it is online and working right no matter who is viewing it or where they are located. We are constantly updating our servers and code to make sure your website is running at an optimal level at all times. If you need help with any of the features we add to your site's administration area we will always be there to support you and your efforts and to guide you toward the best practices in ac heaving the goals for your website.
*No Contract when the initial investment is paid in full. Not applicable if initial investment is financed. Specific terms and conditions are applicable depending upon which finance package is chosen.
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