Even though we are named Your-Web-Guys that doesnt mean we do not have any women working for you. We use the term guy in a non gender specific way. Here are the web-guys (or gals) that are on your team and a bit about what they do. You may not ever meet some of them, but rest assured they are there, behind the scenes, making sure your website is getting you the most bang for your buck.
Your single point of contact, this person will handle just about all of your needs and will coordinate the other team members while we are Your-Web-Guys.
These guys handle the graphics and text and the way they appear on your website as well as how your website works on our servers. They will have the most intimate knowledge of the inner workings of your website.
Ready to take pictures of events, staff, locations, and even products, these guys will make sure any non-graphic images on your site are up to snuff. They also can help locate images in our stock photography catalog if you need it.
Experts in online marketing and how people behave on the internet, these guys will be available to give new ideas and work with you to achieve your goals online.
Possibly the most enigmatic members of your team, these guys are responsible for making sure any scripting your site has is up to date and working properly. They are also there to customize and create custom functionality for you.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and these guys not only understand how search engine algorithms work, but will also work with Your-Marketing-Guys to research the keywords folks use to find your products or services.
Well written text is as important to your surfers as it is to search engine robots. Not only does it have to sound good, it has to have the correct keyword density to please both humans and robots. Our copywriters are available to you to blog, write content, or produce just about any copy your website needs.
These guys are the ones that stay current on social trends and make sure you look your best in social media. They work with Your-SEO-Guys and Your-Marketing-Guys to leverage some of the most powerful but under utilized by small business media for marketing online.
Make Us Your-Web-Guys Today

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