Our Basic SEO level is included in any package you purchase from us. Search engines don't list web sites, they list web pages, so the more pages you have on your site the more keywords you can optimize for. Depending on which package you choose the actual optimization is done in different ways. Read on to see the specific details.
Static Package Basic SEO
If you get the static package, we optimize the pages directly in the code of your site. Each page of your site will be optimized for a different keyword or phrase. However, because there are usually only a few pages on a static site the number of keywords/phrases your site will be optimized for will be limited and so will the results.
Dynamic, E-Commerce, and Emerging Markets Packages Basic SEO
Because we do not write the content on your site when you opt for any of our other packages, we will include all the tools you need to easily optimize the content you add as you add it. Even though you do more when you add the content, you will have better results because you are able to target more keywords/phrases than you would be able to with a Static Site Package.
For instance, in an E-Commerce Package, every one of your products can be optimized for searches for that specific product as you add it to the database. In a Dynamic Package, you would add the optimization as you created new pages or news updates.
Of course we will always be there to help you get the most out of these tools so that your site has the best chance of getting the results you want. It takes a bit of effort on your part, but the results will speak for themselves.
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