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through the process and are just looking for the templates
database just
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Brainstorm in the
Your-Web-Guys Idea Center While creating the
content for your website, consider that many scripts are available
to be added. Each one can add enormous benefits to your company
newsletter your clients.
Click here
to go directly there |
Popular Script Add Ons |
We Refer 'em
If you enjoy working with us, you will also love working with this fine
Got a question? We
can answer it any time. Either check the
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This is a categorized list of the clients we have currently online.
$data) :
$nicename = makenicename($name);
$sitelist[$nicename] .= "\n";
foreach($categoryarray[$name] as $thissite) {
if($thissite['update'] == "new site" || $thissite['update'] == "site redesign") {
$sitelist[$nicename] .= '- '.$thissite[name].'
$thiscatsites[$nicename][$i++] = $thissite;
$categoryarray[$name][total] = $i;
$sitelist[$nicename] .= " \n";
Main Pages
Idea Center
This is a partial list of the scripts we can add to your website. Click on each for a list of features as well as a list of current clients who have
that script installed and working on their website.
$scriptnum) { ?>
This is our list of frequently asked questions. Click on any to be taken to the frequently given answer
$data) : if($data['title']) : ?>
This is a list of our current clients. Each page has information about what we did for them and how you can get a site like theirs: