Advanced Script Add On ($799 Set Up, $0 Additional Monthly)
Also Known As: band website, musician website, author website, poet website, artist website, music label website, music producer website
When you are an unsigned band you have to be able to make money anywhere and everywhere you can. With our Musician CMS artist of all kinds can monetize their work with little to no effort. Your website will be online selling your music all the time, even when you are at home asleep! Imagine playing a gig that is sold out because your loyal fans had the date, time and location on their personal calendar because they subscribed to yours. While debuting your new music at that show you can put up a qr code to the page of your site where your fans can instantly download the mp3 onto their phone... right there, right then, while you are playing the gig. You play your music, your website makes you money. Who needs a music label, right?This is a customized version of our standard platform, but with specific modifications that any band or musician (or poet, author, or any other artist that has downloadable products to sell) would need to make their website the most productive it can be. Not only can you allow folks to sample the music files before they buy them, but it will also make downloading the files they purchased completely automatic. All you have to do it upload the music and set a price and everything else is done for you. Even Albums with multiple tracks can be purchased, downloaded and remain secure after the fact so no one can download more than one copy that they purchased. We also can include a "gig calendar" which will display the shows you have coming up and maps to the location. We can even set it up to sell tickets for you right from your site. All that and photo galleries and video too - it's all that you will ever need to make it big!
This item can be added to your website for no additional charge if you have any of the following items or packages already.

Now you can get your website built with no start up costs
Your-Web-Guys have done it again! With our industry leading $0 initial setup fee program! With approved credit, we will now build you a state of the art website using our standard platform or our Ecommerce Platform for no setup fee or design fee. Just a simple monthly charge starting at $200 per month. Click the button below to get all the details and to make sure this program, and we are right for your project.Click here to schedule instantly
Musician CMS Overview
Some of the benefits of having a Musician CMS on your website include:- Sell and Deliver Files InstantlyIf user decides to purchase your digital product, he/she can select desired payment method and click "Buy now" button. After that the user will be redirected to PayPal, AlertPay or InterKassa website to do the payment. After payment was done (completed and cleared), the user receives download link which is valid only for a specific amount of time. The download link is sent to user's PayPal or AlertPay e-mail. If user paid with InterKassa, download link is sent to e-mail entered during payment procedure.
- Promote Your PerformancesWith the integrated event calendar you can promote your performances to all your fans. You can give them date, time, and place with an interactive map to the location so they can get turn by turn directions right there on your website. Your fans can even subscribe to your calendar on their personal calendar through google or bing and see your events right next to their next appointment date.
- Photo and VideoEach performance you put on can be documented on your website with pictures and even video quickly and easily. If you opt for our Emerging Marketing Package we can customize your You Tube channel so it puts your best face forward.
- Facebook, Twitter, and RSS Feed IntegrationNot only will we make sure your site has multiple RSS Feeds and links to your twitter and facebook page, but it will also automatically post your updates to your facebook and twitter pages automatically. No more logging into three or four different admin areas to update all of your social networks... the Musician CMS does it for you automatically! We also make sure there are like, retweet, google +1, and any other share buttons that you would want from linkedin to pintrest and even digg or stumbleupon.
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